Thursday, July 31, 2014

Working with Read Receipts in Outlook- A Primer

When you send out an important email to
a colleague or an acquaintance, you may be wondering whether he has checked the email or not. At times when you are not sure you end up calling him, just to make sure whether he went through your email. However it would have been much more convenient it you could have received a message intimating the email has been read. The Outlook application allows with the chance to obtain read receipts from people whom you have sent emails to. Let’s look at how the same can be achieved.

Creating Read Receipt requests in Outlook

At the very outset you need to understand you can either add read receipt requests to specific emails or make read requests as default for all emails. To add read receipt requests to individual emails you need to first create a new email. Once done just click on the Option tab on the ribbon interface and then you need to check the box next to the option “Request a Read Receipt” . When this email would be opened by the recipient, he would be requested to confirm that he have read the email.

For adding read receipt requests to all emails that you send out, you need to visit the File tab and then hit on Options. In the subsequent pane click on the Mail tab and then move across the section labeled as Tracking. Here you need to simply mark the checkbox next to the option “Read Receipt.” Once done all emails that you send out will ask for a read receipt message when they are opened up.

One must note that an absence of a read receipt does not mean that the recipient has not read the email. The recipient has the choice to simply ignore the read receipt, even though he has gone through the email that you have sent him.

Keeping Outlook PST files in shape can help you avoid an Outlook crash

As a regular user of Outlook you are likely to end up storing a huge volume of emails. If your Inbox size runs into few gigabytes then there is a great chance that the underlying PST files in Outlook may get corrupted in near future. Hence if you are looking to avoid an Outlook crash you should clean up your mailbox and keep it light. However despite all your earnest efforts the Outlook application can still fall victim to a messy PST corruption error. In such a scenario, a chance of data loss always exists and therefore many professional Outlook users tend keep a pst repair tool handy. Of the several applications that you may come across for dealing with PST errors, the remarkable DataNumen Outlook repair can help you negotiate even the large PST files with ease. Moreover it is also capable of saving your restored files on a network drive and completing the recovery process in quick time.

Author Introduction:

Alan Chen is President & Chairman of DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including sql recovery and outlook repair software products. For more information visit

Learn How Outlook Business Contact Manager can help you generate lead reports

For a small business it is always a challenge to embrace technology without incurring huge costs. Many small business owners refrain from using a CRM tool owing to the associated costs. However with the Business Contact Manager (BCM) feature in Outlook, small businesses can look to work with a flexible and feature rich mini CRM tool without running up any additional costs. Since the time the BCM feature was rolled out, it had its fair share of admirers and critics. While some people criticized it for lack of sophistication, the truth remains that it is a very formidable customer management tool in the hands of a knowledgeable user. In fact one can generate reports of the leads that have stored as per their preference using the BCM tool.

Generating Repots and Charts in Business Contact Manager

The Business contact manager offers several predefined reports for you to view leads according to your needs. Besides the standard reports, you can create customized ones based on your requirements by altering the predefined formats. To start with you need to select the report you wish to modify and click on Modify report on the report toolbar. In the subsequent pane you can make the changes related to filters, headers, font etc as per your choice.

The filter options available in the BCM allow you to include certain set of leads based on different parameters such as location or date or stage of the lead. Besides filtering the leads you can choose to customize reports by including user defined blocks or create criteria to match your requirement. Incidentally BCM offers customization of the existing record types too and even the forms for entering records can be tailored to your needs.

Besides creating custom reports you can also view a specific report in form of a graphical chart. In order to do so, select the report you wish to work on and then click on Charts on the Ribbon interface. Outlook allows you to add appropriate labels and select the data range that you wish to display in the charts. In case you wish to undertake a detailed analysis, you can export a lead report to Ms Excel.

Outlook crash can compromise lead data stored in BCM

While the Outlook application is extremely suitable for lead management and the Business contact manager is laden with features to facilitate the same, an Outlook crash can jeopardize your entire effort. If the Outlook application crashes due to a PST error, there is a distinct chance that it will not only compromise the encompassed emails but other data including lead information stored in the Business Contact Manager. So if you ever encounter such a situation, it would be prudent for you to invest in a powerful pst repair tool like DataNumen Outlook Repair application. It is capable of recovering every data element stored in the Outlook application including leads, contacts. journals and notes. Moreover the recovery process is rather easy to carry out and can be completed within minutes.

Author Introduction:

Alan Chen is President & Chairman of DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including sql recovery and outlook repair software products. For more information visit

Is Outlook 2013 Still Susceptible to PST Corruption

In just a short span of time, the Microsoft
Outlook 2013 edition has managed to make its mark with its users. Its rich feature set that include well thought features such as a People Hub and an effectual weather bar have managed to excite even the most jaded Outlook users. Combined with an all new look and feel, the Outlook 2013 is often seen as a significant milestone in the development of the world’s most popular desktop email client. While it has gained kudos on account of its user friendliness the new iteration seems to be still plagued by PST errors that were encountered in the previous version. In this article we will explore the issue in depth.

Outlook 2013 while being more robust than its predecessors is known to fall prey to PST file corruption. Incidentally a number of users have reported of experiencing PST errors with the 2013 edition and some of these errors were noticed when they were working with large files. While in some cases a random error messages proclaiming a PST corruption error can crop up and the Outlook client shuts down without any warning. At times even after you run the scanpst.exe application, the Outlook files get repaired but end out getting corrupted within a short period of time.

What causes Errors in Ms Outlook 2013

As with other Outlook editions, the 2013 iteration too is know to fall victim to PST errors caused by myriad issues. From something as simple as a power failure to a hard disk crash, the PST file can become compromised whenever its architecture is tinkered with. Moreover chances of errors creeping up can exist even when you force terminate the Outlook application. Again if you have loaded up a large PST file, the application may fail to handle it and get corrupted. Moving over, sometimes PST errors seem to crop up when you migrate your old PST files to the new Outlook 2013 system. Some times these errors may occur repeatedly and with random error message showing up on your screen. Occasionally performing specific actions like installing a conflicting add-on to your Outlook application can mess up the PST files.

How to resolve PST Errors in Ms Outlook 2013

In case you experience a PST file corruption in Ms Outlook 2013, you need to consider running the Inbox repair tool provided by Microsoft to fix the issue. You would first need to find the Scanpst.exe file in the system and then run the program to recover the compromised file. However in many cases the solution will not work and you would need to get hold of a top of the line pst repair utility like the DataNumen Outlook Repair. Irrespective of the extent to which the underling files in Ms Outlook 2013 have got corrupted, the tool is capable of bringing back your lost data. If that was not all, you can even hope to recover data from nearly any media source while keeping the data integrity of every data element intact.

Author Introduction:

Alan Chen is President & Chairman of DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including sql recovery and outlook repair software products. For more information visit